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Saved by God's grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

St. Peter Lutheran Church
Pray - Praise - Proclaim
Our Philosophy
St Peter Lutheran Church of Fair Haven Michigan's congregation is a confessional conservative member of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Both the congregation and her pastor have subscribed to The Lutheran Confessions and believe, teach and confess that they are true and correct expositions of the Holy Scriptures.
Congregation led by Pastor Steve Hoerr since 2010

Weekly Sermons
If you missed service or want to re-visit a recent sermon, we'll have them all available via Youtube, Facebook and a few on our site!

Daily Devotions
Whether it's part of your daily routine, or you're looking a moment with God - Pastor Hoerr records a daily devotion. We'll share them via Youtube, Facebook with a selection via our site.

We welcome to our family two new little ones; Etta & Bennett!
God's Blessings to you and your families as you grow in Christ!

Upcoming Dates to Know
Don't Miss Out!!

We can't thank everyone enough for coming out for the Sisters Act Out Show! We were able to raise just shy of $1,200 for our Exterior Renovations!
Here are some snapshots!

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